Christians in the Middle East

ANN MEDIA with help of AINA ( Assyrian International News Agency) and IRAQI CHRISTIANS IN NEED will present in the Seminar in The Catholic University in Lublin the situation of Christians in the Middle East. The Seminar will be the 22 January 2009

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Article from Seminar in The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica

Jak podaje raport „Kirche in Not” – ruchu, który zajmuje się pomocą Kościołowi, blisko 200 milionów chrześcijan jest prześladowanych ze względu na wyznawaną wiarę, często stając w obliczu utraty życia, a ponad 350 milionów poddawanych jest represjom.


Who are Christians of Iraq?

Most people think of the Middle East as mostly Arab and Moslem, but it is not the case. Before the seventh century invasion of the Middle East by Moslem Arabs the predominant population of Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq), Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt was none Arab Christians.
